Upcoming Events

  • Fall Festival Our Church Is Going To.

    Fall Festival

    Hello and welcome, everyone, I would like to invite any and everyone to come to the Fall Festival and have a great time.


    House $15
    Corn Maze $10
    Hayride $10
    All combined $30

    If you could make it we would love to have you.

    We would love to have anyone who can make it and hope to see everyone there and hope to see some new faces as well.

    Please also invite someone like a friend if you want.

    Regardless wish you all the best and have a great blessed day and life! GOD bless.

  • Game Night Our Church Is Doing.

    Game Night

    Hello and welcome, everyone, I would like to invite any and everyone to come to our church and have a Game Night with us and have a great time.

    If you could make it we would love to have you.

    We may have some Bible Trivia and maybe some like racing team games like where you have to hold an egg in a spoon and get down and back as quickly as possible without dropping the egg.

    Please come if you can to see what games we are having and to have a great time.

    We would love to have anyone who can make it and hope to see everyone there and hope to see some new faces as well.

    Regardless wish you all the best and have a great blessed day and life! GOD bless.

  • Gingerbread Houses & Christmas Caroling Our Church Is Doing.

    Gingerbread Houses & Christmas Caroling

    At 2 pm we are doing Gingerbread Houses.

    If you are joining us for Christmas Caroling please meet at the church by 4:45 pm.

    Anyways please come and join us for a fun, great, and good time with some good fellowship and to sing some classic Christmas songs and to sing to some elderly people who may not get a lot of visits from family and for who this singing may be a highlight of there day.

    So please come and join us and hopefully, we all can put a smile on their faces and just have a good time and bring some good holiday cheer wherever we go.

    Regardless wish you all the best and have a great blessed day and life! GOD bless.

  • Crossroads Village Our Church Is Going To.

    Crossroads Village

    Hello and welcome, everyone, I would like to invite any and everyone to come to the Crossroads Village and have a great time.

    If you could make it we would love to have you.

    We would love to have anyone who can make it and hope to see everyone there and hope to see some new faces as well.

    Please also invite someone like a friend if you want.

    Regardless wish you all the best and have a great blessed day and life! GOD bless.